A Word from the Principal – 5 April 2022

Dear Staff, Parents and Friends of the College,

Firstly, we welcome Fr Mujic and Fr Delrosario to the College. Both priests trained at the SSPX Seminary, Goulburn, NSW and were ordained to the holy priesthood on 6th January 2022. Fr Mujic is from NSW and teaches Latin in the middle school. Fr Delrosario is by origin Filipino but spent most of his life growing up in NZ. Fr Delrosario teaches Religion in the Primary school and performs the role of Primary sub-school chaplain. Both the new priests are settling in well and enjoying the challenges of their first assignment.

Last week I put out a request for expressions of interest as to the resuming of the 8:40am daily Mass at the College. The result of the survey was only 3 expressions of interest, which indicates that faithful are generally content to attend the 8:40am daily Mass at Corpus Christi Church. For this reason, both myself and Fr Elias agree that it would not be worth resuming morning Masses at the College, so from now on they will only take place at Corpus Christi Church.  Nevertheless, parents are encouraged to pay a visit to the Blessed Sacrament at the College chapel at drop-off or pick-up time with their children. A beautiful practice is for parents to go with their children for a visit at the start of the day to ask Our Lord’s blessing on them as a family and sanctify the day in this way. The example of parents in such matters often has lifelong effects on their children.

Teachers are currently preparing Interim Reports.  Interim reports are designed to give the parents a quick heads-up on their child’s performance across Term 1. Parents are then invited to discuss the interim reports with the teachers when we run Parent- Teacher interviews in Week 2 of Term 2. More information about the Parent-Teacher interviews will be provided at the start of next Term. We are working to provide increased reporting to parents which we call ‘Progressive Reporting.’ Next year this will mean bi- term reporting which will include a mid-term and end of term report. More information on this will be provided when we have developed the new systems and procedures required to run it.

Finally, Wednesday 13th April will be the last day of the Term. Being Wednesday of Holy Week the Secondary school will be holding its annual Day of Recollection at Corpus Christi Church. A letter to parents will be sent out today providing detailed information on this event. Parents will be required to drop off and pick up their secondary students at the Church. If any parents need help with transport, I ask them to please contact the College as soon as possible. This event being held on the last day of the term, some students might be tempted to abscond.  Therefore, I remind all parents that this event is compulsory for all secondary students. Student absence on the day without serious reason will be followed up by the College. If a serious reason is found wanting, disciplinary action may be taken as per the College’s student discipline policy.

Leading up to Holy Week, I wish you all a most fruitful Passiontide, an increase in the love of Our Saviour Crucified, and a greater contrition for sin.

Sincerely yours in the Two Hearts,

Father Andrew Cranshaw