I hope this communication finds you well.
Summary of Key Points
- Virtue of the week
- Thought from Archbishop Lefebvre
- Student Achievements
- 2024 Student Leadership Process
- House Drama Competition
- End of Term Assembly
- Interim Reports
- Functional Fitness Space
- College Photos
- College Sports Socks
- Illumino
- Dinner Auction Ticket Link
This week students and staff explore the virtue of Orderliness which is keeping oneself physically clean and neat and one’s belongings in good order.
A thought from Archbishop Lefebvre:
God could have abandoned us to our disobedience, but He willed to show His mercy in a way that was absolutely ineffable, unexpected, tremendous. He willed to come down among us in taking a soul and a body like our own and in immolating Himself on the cross. He willed to go that far.
Thank you to all parents who attended our first Partnering with Parents Conference. The second conference will take place on Tuesday 24th October 7.30pm at Corpus Christi Church. The conference topic will be Domestic Discipline which will again be led by Fr Stephens and run for 45 minutes followed by a ‘Chat over Cheese and a Whine over Wine’.
Congratulations to our College Athletics Team who competed at the Regional Athletics Carnival on Tuesday 5th September. The team not only represented the College but also competed with distinction, finishing the competition with 9 medals – four gold, three silver and two bronze.
Our three gold medalists have qualified for the Victorian State Athletics Final on Monday October 16th. These students are Daniel Frreriks (Shot Put and Discuss), Josephine MacDonald (Javelin) and Jacob Smit (Long Jump).
We wish Santino Tomassi and David Ockerse all the best as they compete in the Vic Spell State Finals this Tuesday 12th September. A wonderful achievement.
Tomorrow we will commence the 2024 Student Leadership Process. Students who wish to nominate themselves for either College Captain or College Vice Captain will be provided with an application form. The application process will close at 5pm Friday 15th September. The second part of the process will be completed during the first two weeks of next term.
This Friday 15th September the College will hold the Annual House Drama Competition and End of Term Assembly. A feature of the Assembly will be the showcasing of the wonderful music talent within the College. Performances at the Assembly will include but not be limited to the College Choir, Jake Hanney, Thomas Davis and David Ockerse. The College is pleased to partner with Ampworks Gippsland, who will supply the audio equipment for the assembly.
Each child will receive their Interim report at the end of this week via Parent Lounge. These reports are a window into the child’s progress, at this point in the academic year. They should be seen as a tool to support student learning across the final term and help identify areas of exemplary performance, as well as those in need of support and assistance.
I was pleased to announce last week that the College will partner with Little Bloke Fitness, who are one of the leading gym equipment suppliers in Australia. Together, we will create a functional fitness space at the west end of the Multi Purpose Hall. I would like to extend my gratitude to the Parents and Friends Committee for their generous donation of funds that will see phase two of the project completed at the same time.
I would like to thank the parents who attended the Community Engagement Session on Friday. One of the topics that was discussed was Uniforms and in particular sports socks. Where it is not possible to wear the College Sports Socks students can wear plain white socks.
The feedback regarding the quality of the College Photos is greatly appreciated. We are currently investigating other providers for 2024 and beyond.
Illumino, the quarterly College magazine will be published at the end of this week. The publication will feature insights into the different areas within the College and be disseminated to parents via the College App.
A reminder about the upcoming Parents and Friends Dinner Auction. The Dinner Auction will be held on the 18th November at the Pakenham Racecourse. Tickets can be purchased via www.trybooking.com/CKMKN
I wish everyone a safe and restful holiday.
God Bless
Kieran O’Dwyer